CLASSESAnimal Talk 101 - We talk with the Animals from the Costa Ballena Southern Zone, CR known to many as The Whales Tail.
Thanksgiving 2019, a posse of shorties (ages 2-16) and a handful of parents along the fence of a horse farm, gathered to expand our passion in talking with the Animals; Large and Small. Take a peak on how we roll below: |
CERMONYHere is where we remember how blessed we are to share this beautiful sacred house called Mother Earth with all the Animals; Large and Small.
EAST DOOR: We set the Alter SOUTH DOOR: Sit in the Medicine Wheel WEST DOOR: Call in the Divine (9) Directions NORTH DOOR: Play/Pray Inside the Medicine Wheel in Motion. When we take the Medicine Wheel in Ceremony with a community of people we embody the power of the cycles, rhythms, seasons, elements that have been carrying our humanity since the beginning of time, literally. This is the Ancient Intuitive Map which leads us back home to our Soul. Are you ready to play? If so, you can book your SEA Session/Ceremony or Individual Ritual below. It's all up to you how you choose to learn. Take the first step, click the link and and let your Masters lead you home to your core self. I look forward to having you join us below: |
CERTIFICATIONAre you eager, maybe a bit curious, possibly clueless, yet, excited to learn the two Ancient Maps that I work with:
East Map (Feng Shui) West Map (Medicine Wheel) Reiki is the practicum honoring the East Map of Tibetan Sanskrit and Animal Communication is the practicum respecting the West Map of the Medicine Wheel. Both span over 5,000 years of Primal Earth Technology that has worked with/without human design. Tell me what Medicine suits you best and let's get you trained: Medicine Wheel: $360- $540 Animal Communication: $295 Feng Shui: $315 Reiki Certification: Level I: $195 Level II: $295 Master: $995 ** REEF CERTIFICATION All the Above ($1,111) |